2024-01-17 17:56:09 +01:00

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Nintendo Controllers

Nintendo Controllers are controllers made by the company Nintendo.
Motion Controllers made by Nintendo are listed under the Motion Controllers entry on the wiki.

Note some these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.

Switch Pro

Official Controller for the Nintendo Switch

Steam Input support


Linux Kernel Support

Yes, since 5.16 - hid-nintendo

What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?

  • Switch Pro Controller: RetroDECK: Switch Pro

What is the Current Version Number of the profile?


Switch Pro - Global Hotkeys: Nintendo Button Combos

The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the SELECT button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input. What follows is a list of hotkeys:

Function Shows what the hotkey does.
Button / Combination Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command.
Command Shows what is being sent to the emulator.
Emulator Support Shows what emulators support the command.
Comment Just extra comments.

Function Button / Combination Command Emulator Support Comment
Pause / Resume SELECT + B CTRL + P RetroArch Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation MelonDS PCSX2 Yuzu
Take Screenshot SELECT + A CTRL + X RetroArch Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2 Yuzu
Fullscreen Toggle SELECT + Y CTRL + ENTER Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation MelonDS PCSX2 Yuzu
Open Menu SELECT + X CTRL + M RetroArch Duckstation PCSX2 Yuzu
Quit Emulator SELECT + Start CTRL + Q RetroArch Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2 Yuzu
Previous State Slot SELECT + D-Pad Left CTRL + J RetroArch Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Next State Slot SELECT + D-Pad Right CTRL + K RetroArch Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Increase Emulation Speed SELECT + D-Pad Up CTRL + 1 Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Decrease Emulation Speed SELECT + D-Pad Down CTRL + 2 Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Load State SELECT + L1 CTRL + A RetroArch Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Save State SELECT + R1 CTRL + S RetroArch Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Rewind SELECT + L2 CTRL + - RetroArch Duckstation
Fast forward SELECT + R2 CTRL + + RetroArch Duckstation MelonDS PCSX2
Global Radial Menu SELECT + Left Joystick Opens the Radial Menu

Global Radial Menu

The Global Radial Menu is activated by holding SELECT and by moving the Left Joystick, then by pressing L3 allows you press the selected radial button.

Radial Button Keyboard Command Emulator Support Comment
Space Space PC-Systems
Escape Escape PPSSPP PC-Systems On PPPSPP it opens the Menu
Enter Enter OpenBOR PC-Systems
F1 F1 PC-Systems
F5 F5 PC-Systems
F10 F10 PC-Systems
Wii Sync Button ALT + W Dolphin/Primehack
Swap Dual-Screens CTRL + TAB RetroArch Citra MelonDS Cemu
Change Dual-Screen Layout CTRL + L Citra
Widescreen / Aspect Ratio CTRL + W Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation PCSX2
Fullscreen Toggle CTRL + ENTER Citra Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation MelonDS PCSX2 Yuzu
Change Disc / Next Disc CTRL + D RetroArch Dolphin/Primehack Duckstation

Right Joystick as Temporary Mouse

By holding SELECT and moving the Right Joystick you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.

Function Button / Combination Command Comment
Joystick as Mouse SELECT + Right Stick Movement
Right Click SELECT + L3 Right Click
Left Click SELECT + R3 Left Click

RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys

These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.

Function Button / Combination Emulator Support Comment
Open Menu L3 + R3 RetroArch

Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys

This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.

Function Button / Combination Emulator Support Comment
Insert Credit SELECT RetroArch MAME FBNeo


Official Controllers for the Nintendo Switch

Steam Input support


Linux Kernel Support

Yes, since 5.16 - hid-nintendo

What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?

  • Switch Pro: RetroDECK: Switch Joycons

Note that this will be released at a later date and work has not started on it yet.

Wii U GamePad

Official Controller for the Wii U

Steam Input support


Linux Kernel Support


A list of projects and drivers that try to make the Wii U controller work on Linux.


There has been efforts of adding by the libdrc team of add their hid-wiiu-drc to the Linux Kernel.


Is a Linux distro that can be used on the Wii U machine. This seams to have a working hid-wiiu-drc But the efforts to add it to the kernel seams to have been stalled.

hid-wiiu-drc in linux-wiiu

LWN Discussion on hid-nintendo-wiiu

GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U

Steam Input support

Yes, but the connected controllers shows up as Generic Controllers

Linux Kernel Support

Yes, acts a normal USB-hub.

How to connect?

In most cases you just need to connect it via USB and put the device in PC mode on the switch.

Sometimes the udev rule is missing and you will need to add it:

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Type sudo echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0337", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gcadapter.rules > /dev/null
  3. Type sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
  4. Sometimes you will need to take out and reinsert the USB connector after you have reloaded the rules.

What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?

  • Switch Pro: RetroDECK: Generic GameCube

NOTE: That this will be released at a later date and work has not started on it yet.