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#include "SystemData.h"
2017-11-01 22:21:10 +00:00
#include "CollectionSystemManager.h"
#include "FileFilterIndex.h"
#include "FileSorts.h"
#include "Gamelist.h"
#include "Log.h"
2017-11-01 22:21:10 +00:00
#include "platform.h"
#include "Settings.h"
2017-11-01 22:21:10 +00:00
#include "ThemeData.h"
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
2017-11-10 19:16:42 +00:00
#include <pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp>
2017-11-01 22:21:10 +00:00
#include <fstream>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
std::vector<SystemData*> SystemData::sSystemVector;
SystemData::SystemData(const std::string& name, const std::string& fullName, SystemEnvironmentData* envData, const std::string& themeFolder, bool CollectionSystem) :
mName(name), mFullName(fullName), mEnvData(envData), mThemeFolder(themeFolder), mIsCollectionSystem(CollectionSystem), mIsGameSystem(true)
mFilterIndex = new FileFilterIndex();
// if it's an actual system, initialize it, if not, just create the data structure
mRootFolder = new FileData(FOLDER, mEnvData->mStartPath, mEnvData, this);
mRootFolder->metadata.set("name", mFullName);
// virtual systems are updated afterwards, we're just creating the data structure
mRootFolder = new FileData(FOLDER, "" + name, mEnvData, this);
//save changed game data back to xml
if(!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("IgnoreGamelist") && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("SaveGamelistsOnExit") && !mIsCollectionSystem)
delete mRootFolder;
delete mFilterIndex;
void SystemData::setIsGameSystemStatus()
// we exclude non-game systems from specific operations (i.e. the "RetroPie" system, at least)
// if/when there are more in the future, maybe this can be a more complex method, with a proper list
// but for now a simple string comparison is more performant
mIsGameSystem = (mName != "retropie");
2017-10-21 15:13:40 +00:00
// test to see if a file is hidden
bool isHidden(const boost::filesystem::path &filePath)
2017-10-21 15:13:40 +00:00
#ifdef WIN32
const DWORD Attributes = GetFileAttributes(filePath.generic_string().c_str());
return (Attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);
boost::filesystem::path::string_type fileName = filePath.filename().string();
2017-10-21 15:13:40 +00:00
return fileName[0] == '.';
2017-10-21 15:13:40 +00:00
void SystemData::populateFolder(FileData* folder)
const boost::filesystem::path& folderPath = folder->getPath();
LOG(LogWarning) << "Error - folder with path \"" << folderPath << "\" is not a directory!";
const std::string folderStr = folderPath.generic_string();
//make sure that this isn't a symlink to a thing we already have
//if this symlink resolves to somewhere that's at the beginning of our path, it's gonna recurse
if(folderStr.find(boost::filesystem::canonical(folderPath).generic_string()) == 0)
LOG(LogWarning) << "Skipping infinitely recursive symlink \"" << folderPath << "\"";
boost::filesystem::path filePath;
std::string extension;
bool isGame;
bool showHidden = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ShowHiddenFiles");
for(boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end, dir(folderPath); dir != end; ++dir)
filePath = (*dir).path();
//this is a little complicated because we allow a list of extensions to be defined (delimited with a space)
//we first get the extension of the file itself:
extension = filePath.extension().string();
//fyi, folders *can* also match the extension and be added as games - this is mostly just to support higan
//see issue #75:
isGame = false;
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
if(std::find(mEnvData->mSearchExtensions.cbegin(), mEnvData->mSearchExtensions.cend(), extension) != mEnvData->mSearchExtensions.cend())
// skip hidden files
if(!showHidden && isHidden(filePath))
FileData* newGame = new FileData(GAME, filePath.generic_string(), mEnvData, this);
isGame = true;
//add directories that also do not match an extension as folders
if(!isGame && boost::filesystem::is_directory(filePath))
FileData* newFolder = new FileData(FOLDER, filePath.generic_string(), mEnvData, this);
//ignore folders that do not contain games
if(newFolder->getChildrenByFilename().size() == 0)
delete newFolder;
void SystemData::indexAllGameFilters(const FileData* folder)
const std::vector<FileData*>& children = folder->getChildren();
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
for(std::vector<FileData*>::const_iterator it = children.cbegin(); it != children.cend(); ++it)
case GAME: { mFilterIndex->addToIndex(*it); } break;
case FOLDER: { indexAllGameFilters(*it); } break;
std::vector<std::string> readList(const std::string& str, const char* delims = " \t\r\n,")
std::vector<std::string> ret;
size_t prevOff = str.find_first_not_of(delims, 0);
size_t off = str.find_first_of(delims, prevOff);
while(off != std::string::npos || prevOff != std::string::npos)
ret.push_back(str.substr(prevOff, off - prevOff));
prevOff = str.find_first_not_of(delims, off);
off = str.find_first_of(delims, prevOff);
return ret;
//creates systems from information located in a config file
bool SystemData::loadConfig()
std::string path = getConfigPath(false);
LOG(LogInfo) << "Loading system config file " << path << "...";
LOG(LogError) << "es_systems.cfg file does not exist!";
return false;
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str());
LOG(LogError) << "Could not parse es_systems.cfg file!";
LOG(LogError) << res.description();
return false;
//actually read the file
pugi::xml_node systemList = doc.child("systemList");
LOG(LogError) << "es_systems.cfg is missing the <systemList> tag!";
return false;
for(pugi::xml_node system = systemList.child("system"); system; system = system.next_sibling("system"))
std::string name, fullname, path, cmd, themeFolder;
name = system.child("name").text().get();
fullname = system.child("fullname").text().get();
path = system.child("path").text().get();
// convert extensions list from a string into a vector of strings
std::vector<std::string> extensions = readList(system.child("extension").text().get());
cmd = system.child("command").text().get();
// platform id list
const char* platformList = system.child("platform").text().get();
std::vector<std::string> platformStrs = readList(platformList);
std::vector<PlatformIds::PlatformId> platformIds;
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
for(auto it = platformStrs.cbegin(); it != platformStrs.cend(); it++)
const char* str = it->c_str();
PlatformIds::PlatformId platformId = PlatformIds::getPlatformId(str);
if(platformId == PlatformIds::PLATFORM_IGNORE)
// when platform is ignore, do not allow other platforms
// if there appears to be an actual platform ID supplied but it didn't match the list, warn
if(str != NULL && str[0] != '\0' && platformId == PlatformIds::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN)
LOG(LogWarning) << " Unknown platform for system \"" << name << "\" (platform \"" << str << "\" from list \"" << platformList << "\")";
else if(platformId != PlatformIds::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN)
// theme folder
themeFolder = system.child("theme").text().as_string(name.c_str());
if(name.empty() || path.empty() || extensions.empty() || cmd.empty())
LOG(LogError) << "System \"" << name << "\" is missing name, path, extension, or command!";
//convert path to generic directory seperators
boost::filesystem::path genericPath(path);
path = genericPath.generic_string();
//expand home symbol if the startpath contains ~
if(path[0] == '~')
path.erase(0, 1);
path.insert(0, getHomePath());
//create the system runtime environment data
SystemEnvironmentData* envData = new SystemEnvironmentData;
envData->mStartPath = path;
envData->mSearchExtensions = extensions;
envData->mLaunchCommand = cmd;
envData->mPlatformIds = platformIds;
SystemData* newSys = new SystemData(name, fullname, envData, themeFolder);
if(newSys->getRootFolder()->getChildrenByFilename().size() == 0)
LOG(LogWarning) << "System \"" << name << "\" has no games! Ignoring it.";
delete newSys;
return true;
void SystemData::writeExampleConfig(const std::string& path)
std::ofstream file(path.c_str());
file << "<!-- This is the EmulationStation Systems configuration file.\n"
"All systems must be contained within the <systemList> tag.-->\n"
" <!-- Here's an example system to get you started. -->\n"
" <system>\n"
" <!-- A short name, used internally. Traditionally lower-case. -->\n"
" <name>nes</name>\n"
" <!-- A \"pretty\" name, displayed in menus and such. -->\n"
" <fullname>Nintendo Entertainment System</fullname>\n"
" <!-- The path to start searching for ROMs in. '~' will be expanded to $HOME on Linux or %HOMEPATH% on Windows. -->\n"
" <path>~/roms/nes</path>\n"
" <!-- A list of extensions to search for, delimited by any of the whitespace characters (\", \\r\\n\\t\").\n"
" You MUST include the period at the start of the extension! It's also case sensitive. -->\n"
" <extension>.nes .NES</extension>\n"
" <!-- The shell command executed when a game is selected. A few special tags are replaced if found in a command:\n"
" %ROM% is replaced by a bash-special-character-escaped absolute path to the ROM.\n"
" %BASENAME% is replaced by the \"base\" name of the ROM. For example, \"/foo/bar.rom\" would have a basename of \"bar\". Useful for MAME.\n"
" %ROM_RAW% is the raw, unescaped path to the ROM. -->\n"
" <command>retroarch -L ~/cores/ %ROM%</command>\n"
" <!-- The platform to use when scraping. You can see the full list of accepted platforms in src/PlatformIds.cpp.\n"
" It's case sensitive, but everything is lowercase. This tag is optional.\n"
" You can use multiple platforms too, delimited with any of the whitespace characters (\", \\r\\n\\t\"), eg: \"genesis, megadrive\" -->\n"
" <platform>nes</platform>\n"
" <!-- The theme to load from the current theme set. See for more information.\n"
" This tag is optional. If not set, it will default to the value of <name>. -->\n"
" <theme>nes</theme>\n"
" </system>\n"
LOG(LogError) << "Example config written! Go read it at \"" << path << "\"!";
void SystemData::deleteSystems()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sSystemVector.size(); i++)
std::string SystemData::getConfigPath(bool forWrite)
boost::filesystem::path path = getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg";
if(forWrite || boost::filesystem::exists(path))
return path.generic_string();
return "/etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg";
SystemData* SystemData::getNext() const
std::vector<SystemData*>::const_iterator it = getIterator();
do {
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
if (it == sSystemVector.cend())
it = sSystemVector.cbegin();
} while ((*it)->getDisplayedGameCount() == 0);
// as we are starting in a valid gamelistview, this will always succeed, even if we have to come full circle.
return *it;
SystemData* SystemData::getPrev() const
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
std::vector<SystemData*>::const_reverse_iterator it = getRevIterator();
do {
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
if (it == sSystemVector.crend())
it = sSystemVector.crbegin();
} while ((*it)->getDisplayedGameCount() == 0);
// as we are starting in a valid gamelistview, this will always succeed, even if we have to come full circle.
return *it;
std::string SystemData::getGamelistPath(bool forWrite) const
boost::filesystem::path filePath;
filePath = mRootFolder->getPath() / "gamelist.xml";
return filePath.generic_string();
filePath = getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/gamelists/" + mName + "/gamelist.xml";
if(forWrite) // make sure the directory exists if we're going to write to it, or crashes will happen
if(forWrite || boost::filesystem::exists(filePath))
return filePath.generic_string();
return "/etc/emulationstation/gamelists/" + mName + "/gamelist.xml";
std::string SystemData::getThemePath() const
// where we check for themes, in order:
// 1. [SYSTEM_PATH]/theme.xml
2017-05-14 04:07:28 +00:00
// 2. system theme from currently selected theme set [CURRENT_THEME_PATH]/[SYSTEM]/theme.xml
// 3. default system theme from currently selected theme set [CURRENT_THEME_PATH]/theme.xml
// first, check game folder
boost::filesystem::path localThemePath = mRootFolder->getPath() / "theme.xml";
return localThemePath.generic_string();
2017-05-14 04:07:28 +00:00
// not in game folder, try system theme in theme sets
localThemePath = ThemeData::getThemeFromCurrentSet(mThemeFolder);
if (boost::filesystem::exists(localThemePath))
2017-05-14 04:07:28 +00:00
return localThemePath.generic_string();
// not system theme, try default system theme in theme set
localThemePath = localThemePath.parent_path().parent_path() / "theme.xml";
return localThemePath.generic_string();
bool SystemData::hasGamelist() const
return (boost::filesystem::exists(getGamelistPath(false)));
unsigned int SystemData::getGameCount() const
2017-11-17 14:58:52 +00:00
return (unsigned int)mRootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME).size();
SystemData* SystemData::getRandomSystem()
// this is a bit brute force. It might be more efficient to just to a while (!gameSystem) do random again...
unsigned int total = 0;
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
for(auto it = sSystemVector.cbegin(); it != sSystemVector.cend(); it++)
if ((*it)->isGameSystem())
total ++;
// get random number in range
2017-11-17 14:58:52 +00:00
int target = (int)Math::round((std::rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * (total - 1));
2017-11-11 14:56:22 +00:00
for (auto it = sSystemVector.cbegin(); it != sSystemVector.cend(); it++)
if ((*it)->isGameSystem())
if (target > 0)
return (*it);
// if we end up here, there is no valid system
return NULL;
FileData* SystemData::getRandomGame()
std::vector<FileData*> list = mRootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME, true);
2017-11-17 14:58:52 +00:00
unsigned int total = (int)list.size();
int target = 0;
// get random number in range
if (total == 0)
return NULL;
2017-11-17 14:58:52 +00:00
target = (int)Math::round((std::rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * (total - 1));
unsigned int SystemData::getDisplayedGameCount() const
2017-11-17 14:58:52 +00:00
return (unsigned int)mRootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME, true).size();
void SystemData::loadTheme()
mTheme = std::make_shared<ThemeData>();
std::string path = getThemePath();
if(!boost::filesystem::exists(path)) // no theme available for this platform
2017-05-14 04:07:28 +00:00
// build map with system variables for theme to use,
std::map<std::string, std::string> sysData;
sysData.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>("", getName()));
sysData.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>("system.theme", getThemeFolder()));
sysData.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>("system.fullName", getFullName()));
mTheme->loadFile(sysData, path);
} catch(ThemeException& e)
LOG(LogError) << e.what();
mTheme = std::make_shared<ThemeData>(); // reset to empty