- Add the remove function to GridGameListView
- Enable the grid view in ViewController
- The grid view will not be available in the menu yet, but can be enable by tweaking es_settings.cfg
* Split out UIMode controller in separate class (in es-app).
* Fix passphrase input for wX360 controllers by ignoring hat-inputs
* Fix font fallback mechanism on rpi for non ascii characters using new Unicode2Chars() method.
* Fix UIMode not being saved due to popup window.
* Introduce FileData Filtering for Kiosk and Kid Modes to:
1. In Kiosk mode: Hide items with metadata tag `<hidden>true</hidden>`
2. In Kid mode: only show items with metadata tag `<kidgame>true</kidgame>`
* ES will auto-revert UI mode back to Full when there is nothing at all to show.
* Changing the setting hideQuitMenuOnKidUI to true will hide this menu.
- Change Power Saver (PS) from Other Settings menu
- 4 Modes are available : Disabled, Default [default], Enhanced, Instant
- All modes work well with Screensavers and Video previews.
- PS is disabled while running Videos through VLC.
- PS is disabled while Scrapping
- Game counts are shown immidiately if in Instant Mode
- PS mode defaults if Transitions are changed while in Instant Mode
- Refactoring System Environment data
- Added Virtual System Manager class
- Added "all", "favorites" and "last played" systems
- Added GuiInfoPopup class for notifications
- Added Favorites to metadata, as well as a shortcut to toggle favorites
- Added warning if enabling systems but themes don't support it
- Added "filter by favorites" per system
- Adjusted "Go to Random Game" behavior to account for the fact that we now have an "All Games" system
- Added "sort by system name" for the collections
Currently supports Basic, Detailed, Video, and Automatic types. The Automatic type checks for the availability of first video's, then screenshots, defaulting to Basic view if none are present.