Bart Trzynadlowski
- NOTE: In this revision (possibly earlier), I've started to notice some intermittent geometry glitches in Spikeout and slowdown while playing certain characters.
- Added multi-texture fragment shader to repo.
- Added a multiTexture option (enabled by default) to use multi-texturing to decode textures.
- Added some comments regarding timing to the PowerPC execution loop.
2012-02-14 03:28:52 +00:00
Nik Henson
Updated fragment shaders' floating point comparisons and also some knock-on changes from SVN revision 246.
2012-02-13 23:51:32 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added OSD/Video.h to provide OSD-dependent video functionality. The static functions in here get called by Model3.cpp from within the render thread so that any OSD related rendering can also be run in parallel for a further speed increase.
Updated OSD/SDL/Main.cpp to provide the SDL implementations of the functions in OSD/Video.h.
2012-02-13 23:37:48 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added support for multiple texture sheets (with up to one per Model 3 texture format) as a rather brute-force way to handle overlapping texture formats in the current 3D engine. This fixes some corrupt textures in Daytona 2 and Virtua Striker 2 (and possibly other games) and also offers a small speed increase when some scenes load multiple overlapping textures.
This feature only enables itself when a compatible shader script is loaded. Since none have been checked in yet this means it is currently disabled.
2012-02-13 21:54:26 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added command line options to force windowed mode and to control GPU multi-threading.
2012-02-11 16:40:09 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added a wide screen hack that can be enabled with the -'wide-screen' argument or WideScreen in the config file.
2012-02-10 19:53:51 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Tweaked help text slightly.
2012-02-09 17:15:15 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Fixed left/right stereo channels -- they were reversed by default.
2012-02-09 17:12:13 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added front/rear speaker balance (actually the master/slave SCSP balance). Balance setting is stored in CSoundBoardConfig and can be set on the command line (-balance) or config file (Balance). Valid range is 100 (front speaker volume doubled, rear muted) to -100. The default is 0, both sets at full volume. Balance is applied in the SCSP core before overall sound and music volume settings.
2012-02-09 07:58:07 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Added preliminary specular lighting to shaders. The "no spotlight" shader has not yet been updated.
2012-02-06 02:54:43 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Updated some comments regarding the VF3 ROM patches. It seems many of them are no longer necessary. The single necessary patch affects timing (note how the warning screen stays up longer when it is removed). This needs to be investigated -- perhaps it can lead to a timing fix for vf3, vs2, and fvipers2?
2012-02-01 18:08:13 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Documented the tile generator.
2012-01-27 22:27:38 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Added specular highlight support to the 3D engine. A shininess parameter is now be passed to the shaders. Does not work correctly and I will save the shaders themselves for a future commit.
- Added support for layer priorities. Highly unoptimal! This absolutely needs to be polished up before any release (and properly documented). For now, priorities in the popular games seem to be fixed but not all possible priority settings have been figured out yet.
2012-01-27 05:52:59 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Removed unused dirty rectangle code.
2012-01-26 02:57:02 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Removed unused dirty rectangle code.
2012-01-26 02:49:07 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Removed unused dirty rectangle code.
2012-01-26 02:48:16 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Small correction to lighting model in shaders. Light intensity is no longer clipped.
2012-01-22 01:05:59 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Removed unused (and non-functional) 'stack machine' scene graph traversal.
2012-01-18 08:12:23 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Now compiles with MinGW. Among other things, the use of __uuidof() was removed.
2012-01-18 04:59:42 +00:00
Nik Henson
New multi-threaded rendering changes that parallelise graphics rendering and PPC execution in order to increase performance on multi-core machines.
New gpuMultiThreaded config option to enable/disable multi-threaded rendering (enabled by default, disabling it reverts to previous behaviour).
Other rendering optimisations:
- texture uploads now only affect appropriate region in the texture sheet, rather than uploading the whole sheet each time
- performance of clearing the model caches has been improved
New Alt+O key input added to toggle outputting of frame timings for debugging purposes.
2012-01-16 23:21:14 +00:00
Nik Henson
Removed unecessary SDL include
2012-01-16 23:04:37 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added CThread::Sleep && CThread::GetTicks methods
2012-01-16 22:07:17 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Assigned new version number: 0.3a-WIP.
2011-12-27 19:16:22 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Fixed a bug w/ Read16() -- was not casting to a pointer properly, caused Scud Race to crash.
2011-12-26 07:15:32 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Preliminary backface culling fix. Matrices which effectively change the polygon winding without changing the Z component of the polygon normal are tested for when appending items to the display list. If necessary, the polygon winding is changed on the fly to ensure visibility is correct. This code desperately needs to be optimized. Note: Not yet thoroughly tested.
2011-12-26 06:10:55 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Fixed ROM banking -- appears to fix the sounds in Daytona 2 PE and VON2 but otherwise has not been extensively tested. The high 8MB of the 68K address is treated as a single window into the 16MB sample ROM, and can point either to the low or high 8MB bank.
2011-12-23 21:06:45 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Fixed a MAGIC_NUMBER comment typo.
2011-12-23 21:03:24 +00:00
Nik Henson
Small bug fix
2011-12-23 19:34:50 +00:00
Nik Henson
Small tweak to improve startup time
2011-12-23 12:39:34 +00:00
Nik Henson
Optimisations to improve performance when running with debugger. Now runs at about 2/3 speed of full speed of emulator, rather than 1/3 like before.
2011-12-23 12:01:31 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added support for joystick sliders to input system.
Added extra debugging output to calibration input detection routine (activated by pressing Shift).
2011-11-01 23:24:37 +00:00
Nik Henson
Fixed small bug which meant wasn't correctly clearing SCSP structures on initialisation.
2011-11-01 23:16:36 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added DirectInputConstForceLeftMax and DirectInputConstForceRightMax options to allow different force feedback strengths in each direction. DirectInputConstForceMax still works as before but these new options will override it for the given direction if they are specified.
2011-10-02 20:53:12 +00:00
Nik Henson
Force feedback fixes in DirectInputSystem.cpp:
- Fixed bug which meant right constant force was not being capped to DI_EFFECTS_MAX
- Made sure all values are being clamped to sensible ranges
2011-09-25 22:46:58 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Documentation updates.
- Added fflush() to config dialog output where it was missing.
2011-09-24 20:54:47 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Tweaked some error messages and comments. Hopefully, this is the last update for v0.2a's code.
- Documentation updates.
2011-09-24 01:49:48 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Only player 1 crosshair is shown by default now.
- Tweaked Makefiles a bit.
- More documentation updates.
- Changed version string to 0.2a in preparation for the final release :)
2011-09-23 07:18:40 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Tweaked text in input configuration dialog.
- Changed version string to 0.2a-RC3 because RC2 build was sent out to testers earlier.
2011-09-22 18:15:29 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Getting/setting MPEG playback position also includes the end offset. Hopefully will fix save states from crashing when reloaded sometimes in DSB1 and DSB2 games.
2011-09-22 18:04:39 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Changed spelling of some messages in drive board code.
- Added an extra blank line after info display in CModel3.
- Cleaned up comments in Main.cpp.
- More document updates. Fixed '-no-music'->'-no-dsb', 'EmulateMusic'->'EmulateDSB'.
2011-09-22 17:28:49 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Commented out verbose/debug output in drive board code for release.
2011-09-22 09:02:50 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
Force feedback no longer available as an option on non-Windows builds.
2011-09-22 07:24:15 +00:00
Bart Trzynadlowski
- Changed save state error messages slightly.
- Wrapped rows that exceed 80 columns in Supermodel.ini.
- Added some member and function comments to a few header files.
- Changed version string to 0.2a-RC2 in anticipation of sending another release candidate build to testers.
- Added GAME_INPUT_RALLY flag to dirtdvlsa, eca, and ecax.
- Configuration dialog no longer refers to Sega Rally 2 and Dirt Devils; instead, "Miscellaneous Driving Game Buttons"
- More additions to README.txt.
2011-09-22 06:11:47 +00:00
Nik Henson
Changes to get debugger classes to compile under Linux
2011-09-21 23:49:55 +00:00
Nik Henson
Changes to get debugger classes to compile under Linux
2011-09-21 23:48:33 +00:00
Nik Henson
Changes to get debugger classes to compile under Linux
2011-09-21 23:47:11 +00:00
Nik Henson
Fix to get InputSystem.cpp to compile under Linux again after updates today
2011-09-21 23:45:49 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added copyright headers to all debugger files and replaced C standard library headers with c++ versions
2011-09-21 22:53:41 +00:00
Nik Henson
Tweaked header comment!
2011-09-21 22:32:16 +00:00
Nik Henson
Added copyright header to file
2011-09-21 22:31:27 +00:00