Also provides batch mode and automatic fullscreen switching.
-help: Displays this information and exits.
-version: Displays version information and exits.
-batch: Enables batch mode (exits after powering off)
-fastboot: Force fast boot for provided filename
-slowboot: Force slow boot for provided filename
-resume: Load resume save state. If a boot filename is provided,
that game's resume state will be loaded, otherwise the most
recent resume save state will be loaded.
-state <index>: Loads specified save state by index. If a boot
filename is provided, a per-game state will be loaded, otherwise
a global state will be loaded.
-statefile <filename>: Loads state from the specified filename.
No boot filename is required with this option.
-fullscreen: Enters fullscreen mode immediately after starting.
-nofullscreen: Prevents fullscreen mode from triggering if enabled.
-portable: Forces "portable mode", data in same directory.
--: Signals that no more arguments will follow and the remaining
parameters make up the filename. Use when the filename contains
spaces or starts with a dash.
Mitigations-off gave a roughly 20-25% boost in performance on my laptop
(i7-7700HQ), even with the recompiler.
It seems AppVeyor was building with them enabled. You shouldn't treat an
emulator like a sandbox and run untrusted code in it amyway.