Adds the ability for users to change the following features in OMX Player's subtitles (game info for screen saver).
- font size
- font file path
- italic font file path
- subtitle position
These changes can be made in the GUI menus via the Video Screen Saver menu, or directly in the es_settings.cfg file.
Safe OMX Player defaults are hard-coded into the EmulationStation application.
Here's an example of the new keys loaded/saved into in the es_settings.cfg file:
- `<int name="SubtitleSize" value="38" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleFont" value="/usr/local/share/fonts/slkscr.ttf" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleItalicFont" value="/usr/local/share/fonts/slkscrb.ttf" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleAlignment" value="center" />`
This fix 2 bugs with the horizontal scrolling grid :
- The grid is now positioned correctly (bug introduced by the buffer of the dynamic image loader)
- The right column contain the partial tile in horizontal mod, not the bottom row
- This changes make sure the buildTiles function is called only one time, at the end of the applyTheme function.
- The buildTiles function now call calcGridDimension as both are linked to the same events
- Rewrite NinePatchComponent to handle images with a different size than 48x48 px
- It's now possible to change the border sizes using setCornerSize function
Add default game image and folder image to the grid. They can be configured by the theme with the gameImage and folderImage properties of the imagegrid.
- Separated private methods and attributes in 3 groups :
- images & entries
- tiles
- miscellaneous
- Renamed some methods :
- buildImages -> buildTiles
- updateImages -> updateTiles
- Moved private methods implementation so they respect the same order as their declaration
- Changed some methods internal variable names and other smalls clean
- A call to cropTop(0.2) will crop 20% of the top of the image
- A call to minSIze(0.2, 0.2) will resize the image smallest side to 0.2 without breaking aspect ratio, but crop the extra lenght of the biggest side.
- Call minSize(0.2, 0.2) and then uncrop() to define an image size by its smallest side
- Add the GridTileComponent which hold the image and its background
- Add base theming syntax for the ImageGrid and GridTIle
- Numerous refactoring/cleaning in ImageGridComponent
- Add the metadata from the detailed view to the grid view (minus the image, as it doesn't make sens in the grid view)
- Add a callback to the ImageGridComponent to update the metadata info panel when cursor changed
- Grid tile number of columns and rows is now controlled by the grid size, mMargin and mTileMaxSize
- Add a variable mSelectedTileMaxSize to control the size of the selected tile
- Update the render function to display the selected tile on top of the other