Commit graph

75 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
XargonWan 1167c4be41
feat/update 3.1.0 ()
* Added initial text shaping support

* Fixed some font issues

* (Windows) Added initial text shaping support

* (macOS) Added initial text shaping support

* Disabled building of HarfBuzz-subset on Windows and macOS

* (Android) Added initial text shaping support

* Added the nl_NL locale to locale/languages

* Changed the font VRAM usage calculation to actually only include texture data

* Moved the HarfBuzz segment building to a separate function

Also implemented segment caching and fixed an issue where missing glyphs were not handled correctly

* Moved the text shaping to a separate function

* Fixed a text shaping issue when there was a font change for the last character of a string

* Added support for the pl_PL locale

* Changed two font calculation functions to use shaped text

Also consolidated the HarfBuzz segment creation and shaping into a single function

* Added a hack to make shaped text wrap somehow correctly

* Changed the text shaping function to return the segment vector

* Text shaping segments are no longer created by space characters

* RTL text segments are now flagged as such

* Fixed an issue where text was not correctly centered after line breaks

* Reverted some font changes that were not needed after all

* Changed to having HarfBuzz set the horizontal glyph advance

* Fixed another failure mode for the wrapText shaped text hack

* Added a precaution to prevent crashes in case of broken fonts being used

* Made accurate text layout work correctly using HarfBuzz

* Removed the offensive wrapText hacks and added some optimizations

Also changed the three dots to an actual ellipsis Unicode character when abbreviating text

* Reverted a change in TextComponent as it caused unforeseen issues

* Changed Font::shapeText() to pass the segments vector by reference

* Removed a temporary member variable in Font and replaced it with proper argument passing

* Fixed a regression where text shaping stopped working

* Added sharing of glyph atlas entries between shaped glyph entries that need the same texture

* Added support for the ar_EG locale

* Some font-related code and comments cleanup

* Fixed a source file header typo

* Documentation update

* Removed a lot of unnecessary text processing

* Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (Android) Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (macOS) Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (Windows) Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (Windows) Fixed an MSVC compiler warning

* Replaced all built-in Unicode case conversion logic and lookup tables with facilities from the ICU library

* Documentation update

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the pl_PL translations

* Removed support for NetBSD and OpenBSD

* Changed a code comment that referred to BSD Unix

* Documentation update

* Silenced some Clang compiler warnings

* Added experimental support for building on Haiku

* (Haiku) Added a ScreenScraper platform identifier

* (Haiku) Added support for the Sony PlayStation Portable (psp) game system

* (Haiku) Added support for the ScummVM Game Engine (scummvm) game system

* Documentation update

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Changed ScreenSaver to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed Window to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed ButtonComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed SliderComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Reverted ButtonComponent and SliderComponent to render the debug overlays themselves

* Changed DateTimeEditComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Minor code cleanup

* Changed TextEditComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed Font::buildTextCache() and Font::renderTextCache() to protected functions

* Changed a compiler silencing option to only apply to Clang

* (Haiku) Updated CMake configuration to make ES-DE build on Haiku Nightly (but no longer on R1/beta4)

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added find rule configuration for RetroArch

Also added a single core for testing purposes

* Removed direct use of Font::wrapText() from OptionListComponent, TextEditComponent and TextListComponent

* Removed direct use of Font::wrapText() from TextComponent

* Fixed an issue where ComponentList could generate elements with negative widths

* Added an assertion to GuiComponent::setSize() to check for negative mSize values

* DateTimeEditComponent no longer renders the debug overlay unless there is a string to display

* (FreeBSD) Added support for building with DEINIT_ON_LAUNCH

* (FreeBSD) Added the man page to the CPack configuration

* (FreeBSD) Added support for rebooting and powering off from inside ES-DE

* (FreeBSD) Added fallback method to locate binary

* Added layout and line wrapping support for shaped text and for mixing of LTR and RTL scripts

* Fixed a special line wrapping scenario where a trailing space should be removed

* (Windows) Fixed some MSVC compiler warnings

* Fixed some Clang compiler warnings

* Fixed an issue where theme names in the theme downloader could get abbreviated

* Added support for the ca_AD locale

* Documentation update

* (Android) Fonts and locales are now copied earlier than the other assets as HarfBuzz and libintl need them earlier in the startup process

* Documentation update

* Added support for the de_DE locale

* (Android) Added a new default find rule entry for Flycast as its application ID has been changed

* Documentation update

* Fixed an issue where text shaping could be permanently disabled after editing text

* Fixed a potential issue where globally disabling text shaping could cause space detection to fail

* Added a check for whether a text element has a width defined when the container property is set

* (Android) Changed ePSXe to use %ROM% instead of %ROMSAF%

* (Haiku) Added support for the PDF viewer

* Updated the el_GR.po, es_ES.po, fr_FR.po, it_IT.po, ja_JP.po, ru_RU.po and zh_CN.po locale files

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added correct installation directories to the CMake configuration

* (Haiku) Changed to correct installation directories

* (Haiku) Added support for the correct system resource directories

* (Haiku) Made sure es-pdf-convert is found under all circumstances

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* Updated the es_ES translations

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the it_IT translations

* Updated the ja_JP translations

* Updated the zh_CN translations

* Fixed an issue where scraping using TheGamesDB would crash the application

* Added an extra check in OptionListComponent to avoid potential crashes

* Removed support for the ca_AD locale

* Added a code comment clarification in FileSystemUtil

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Some minor code modernization in MameNames

* Fixed an issue where returning from a game would sometimes make the helpsystem use the dimmed theme properties

* (Haiku) Added a resource file

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the de_DE translations

* (Haiku) Added support for some game systems

* (Haiku) Added a HaikuPorts recipe

* (Haiku) Fixed an URI issue in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Added basic configuration support and menu entries for theme localization

* Changed a theme loading debug message

* (linear-es-de) Fixed an issue where the system logo for saturnjp was incorrectly showing the western variant

* (modern-es-de) Fixed an issue where the system logo for saturnjp was incorrectly showing the western variant

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Added support for using language variables in the theme configuration

* Added localization support to DateTimeComponent

* Added translations for the automatic collection names when used as theme system variables

* Added localization support for the theme game counter

* Added theme contextual hinting to the custom collection summary text in CollectionSystemsManager

Also added translation support for a string that was previously missed

* Added localization support to the label entries in capabilities.xml

* Fixed a regression where horizontal text containers would sometimes not work correctly

* Fixed an issue where text elements defined as gamecount using the systemdata property could not scroll horizontally

* Added support for including theme files from within the colorScheme and fontSize tag pairs

* Added translations for the automatic collection names (short name versions) when used as theme system variables

* Fixed an incorrect code comment in CollectionSystemsManager

* Added translations for the name and fullname systemdata properties for the text element

* Added translation support for the metadata property for the text element

* Updated all locale (.po) files with the theme engine localization additions

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for en_US, en_GB and sv_SE

* Documentation update

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for fr_FR

* Updated the ja_JP translations

* Updated the zh_CN translations

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for en_US, en_GB, fr_FR and sv_SE

* Updated the es_ES translations

* Updated the ro_RO translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for es_ES

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for ro_RO

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for en_US, en_GB and sv_SE

* (linear-es-de) Updated the es_ES translations

* (modern-es-de) Updated the fr_FR translations

* (linear-es-de) Some minor translation changes

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for ro_RO

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for ro_RO

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Updated the pt_BR translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for it_IT

* (modern-es-de) Decreased the helpsystem entry spacing

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for es_ES and it_IT

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for es_ES, fr_FR and it_IT

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for pt_BR

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for pt_BR

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for pt_BR

* (Haiku) Added support for the c64, plus4 and vic20 systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Updated SDL to 2.30.6 on Android, Windows, macOS and the Linux AppImage builds

* Added an ICU filter configuration file

* (macOS) Reduced the ICU library size via a data filter file

* (Windows) Reduced the ICU library size via a data filter file

* Updated the ru_RU translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for ru_RU

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for ru_RU

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for ru_RU

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the ru_RU translations

* Removed an unnecessary element resize in ScrollableContainer

* Fixed a line breaking issue

* Added theme engine translations for 'unknown' metadata values for developer, publisher, genre and players

* Added theme engine translations for 'never' and 'unknown' date values

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for ja_JP and zh_CN

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for ja_JP and zh_CN

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for ja_JP and zh_CN

* Updated all locales with new theme engine translations

* Fixed an issue where the text element defaultValue property no longer worked correctly

* (modern-es-de) Added some capitalized default metadata values

* Documentation update

* pdated the el_GR translations

* (linear-es-de) Updated the system metadata

* (linear-es-de) Added sv_SE translations for all system hardware types

* Updated the de_DE translations

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Bundled the July 2024 release of the Mozilla TLS/SSL certificates

* Updated the MAME index files to include ROMs up to MAME version 0.269

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for pl_PL

* Added the VirtualXT RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the dos and pc systems

* Added the Stella 2023 RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the atari2600 system

* Removed support for the ar_EG, de_DE, el_GR and nl_NL locales and moved their .po files to an archive directory

* Documentation update

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for pl_PL

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for pl_PL

* Updated SDL to 2.30.7 on Android, Windows, macOS and the Linux AppImage builds

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* Added support for the new Lime3DS binary names on Linux, macOS and Windows

* Added some missing find rules for Lime3DS

* (Windows) Added 'Shortcut' as an alternative emulator for the switch system

Also added the .lnk file extension

* Added jgenesis as an alternative emulator for the famicom, gamegear, gb, gbc, genesis, mastersystem, megacd, megacdjp, megadrive, megadrivejp, nes, segacd, sfc, snes and snesna systems on Linux and Windows

* Documentation update

* Added izapple2 standalone as an alternative emulator for the apple2 system on Linux and Windows

* (Android) Added support for the Microsoft Windows (windows) game system using the Winlator emulator

* (Android) Added Winlator PRoot Cmod standalone as an alternative emulator for the windows system

* Documentation update

* (Android) Added support for the PC Arcade Systems (pcarcade) and Taito Type X (type-x) game systems

* Bumped the version to 3.1.0

* (modern-es-de) Eliminated an annoying debug message

* (linear-es-de) Added some missing metadata files

* (linear-es-de) Added some missing sv_SE translations

* Updated the Winlator emulator names

* Documentation update

* Documentation update for the 3.1.0 release

* Updated latest_release.json for the 3.1.0 release

* Fixed a typo in the changelog

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Bumped the version to 3.1.1-alpha

* Video player resources are now completely freed up after finishing view transitions

* Changed a rounding in ScrollableContainer to slightly decrease the risk of glyphs getting cut off at the bottom of the container

* Added the Nanum Square Neo Korean font

* Added support for the ko_KR locale

* Fixed an issue where newly entered ScreenScraper username and password values were positioned incorrectly vertically in the account settings menu

* Documentation update

* Changed the position of the ko_KR language

* Changed the ja_JP position in the languages file

* Fixed an issue where attempting to view media for a game that had no downloaded media paused the playback of all static theme videos

* Documentation update

* Added support for the de_DE locale

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* Documentation update

* Updated the de_DE translations


Co-authored-by: Leon Styhre <>
2024-09-18 02:23:26 +02:00
Leon Styhre a021fc22a9 Moved ApplicationVersion.h from es-app to es-core 2024-04-16 20:57:04 +02:00
Leon Styhre 863d8b04af (Android) Removed support for the Lite release 2024-03-09 13:03:59 +01:00
Leon Styhre c9ff27b3be (Android) Separated the build artifacts for the Full and Lite releases 2024-01-15 19:20:44 +01:00
Leon Styhre 3964cb2bcf (Android) Fixed some CMake issues when building ARM and x86 at the same time 2024-01-15 17:39:25 +01:00
Leon Styhre e91512a519 (Android) Added initial touch overlay support 2024-01-13 16:14:46 +01:00
Leon Styhre 56ccba81d1 Removed all instances of hardcoded application directory entries
Also changed some source file headers
2023-12-15 18:33:02 +01:00
Leon Styhre 854cef60cb (Android) Made PDF rendering work correctly using Poppler 2023-12-11 18:38:11 +01:00
Leon Styhre bd2c229476 Added a PDF viewer
Also added the PoDoFo and Poppler libraries as dependencies
2023-06-21 23:02:19 +02:00
Leon Styhre 4e54508e45 Added a GridComponent skeleton. 2022-11-06 21:34:03 +01:00
Leon Styhre c50f39dd05 Updated the CMake configuration for the removed legacy theme engine code. 2022-09-10 11:58:52 +02:00
Leon Styhre 277a729a2d Cleaned up the CMake configuration. 2022-04-19 17:24:54 +02:00
Leon Styhre 3a1c9d41ce Fully generalized SystemView and GamelistView and rewrote CarouselComponent into a template class.
Also cleaned up some code and fixed an issue where navigation sounds would not play when using the shoulder buttons.
2022-03-24 23:05:23 +01:00
Leon Styhre 07f151d906 Moved TextListComponent and CarouselComponent from es-core to es-app. 2022-03-19 09:55:05 +01:00
Leon Styhre 6ff0ff1c47 Renamed Renderer_GL21 and Shader_GL21 to RendererOpenGL and ShaderOpenGL. 2022-03-14 20:14:18 +01:00
Leon Styhre f0c35d8509 Refactored the rendering code into proper classes. 2022-03-14 19:51:48 +01:00
Leon Styhre a7db474a64 Unified the OpenGL and OpenGL ES renderers and removed the fixed function pipeline.
Also made some other rendering optimizations and cleaned up some code.
2022-03-13 23:52:32 +01:00
Leon Styhre abb48e45e7 Added GIFAnimComponent skeleton. 2022-02-23 22:04:18 +01:00
Leon Styhre 32349dc9a6 Renamed LottieComponent to LottieAnimComponent. 2022-02-23 21:54:57 +01:00
Leon Styhre cc8123f5a6 Added a GameSelectorComponent for displaying game media in SystemView. 2022-02-13 20:03:34 +01:00
Leon Styhre afe249c5fc Added CarouselComponent skeleton. 2022-02-04 21:42:08 +01:00
Leon Styhre 8596aca68c Added an OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer. 2022-01-13 19:39:49 +01:00
Leon Styhre b4e08ba92b Renamed Platform to utils/PlatformUtil 2022-01-10 18:56:04 +01:00
Leon Styhre d45c690586 Some CMake configuration changes for building with rlottie. 2022-01-08 16:23:23 +01:00
Leon Styhre 19147eee66 (Windows) CMake configuration changes to make rlottie build correctly. 2022-01-07 00:29:31 +01:00
Leon Styhre 998830181f Added CMake configuration for the Lottie animation support. 2022-01-06 23:19:37 +01:00
Leon Styhre 6431804ee7 Removed the deprecated VideoVlcComponent. 2022-01-02 13:13:01 +01:00
Leon Styhre 1aa360598d Renamed BadgesComponent to BadgeComponent. 2021-10-23 20:28:07 +02:00
Leon Styhre 48db23691d Merged BadgeComponent code into master branch. 2021-10-12 23:13:38 +02:00
Leon Styhre bef997420d Added menu scroll indicators. 2021-10-10 18:15:37 +02:00
Leon Styhre 93950cf4de Simplified the code for info popups. 2021-10-07 18:31:40 +02:00
Leon Styhre 50f2af0077 Manual merges to align with master branch. 2021-09-27 21:27:07 +02:00
Sophia Hadash dbf76f92e6 merge master 2021-09-23 23:28:19 +02:00
Leon Styhre fc78f8ee18 General cleanup of the CMake configuration files. 2021-09-19 18:53:20 +02:00
Leon Styhre c4e6d3cac1 Added a virtual keyboard. 2021-09-17 22:23:41 +02:00
Sophia Hadash efe928852f Separate flexbox functionality in it's own component. 2021-09-07 17:21:54 +02:00
Sophia Hadash fe413bb68f Initial implementation, including flexbox layout for badges. 2021-09-05 03:40:23 +02:00
Leon Styhre abf8759f75 Added headers to the CMake configuration files. 2021-08-24 18:32:15 +02:00
Leon Styhre 83c0bc5ca6 Moved MoveCameraAnimation.h from es-app to es-core. 2021-08-17 22:23:42 +02:00
Leon Styhre 12c853bc31 Moved the remaining math functions to a math utility namespace. 2021-08-17 22:11:16 +02:00
Leon Styhre 71d0e14a77 Removed the deprecated built-in matrix and vector code. 2021-08-17 19:27:08 +02:00
Leon Styhre 7ea91f08af Removed the deprecated VideoOmxComponent. 2021-07-08 18:26:01 +02:00
Leon Styhre 05990d0457 Moved most CImg functions from MiximageGenerator to a new utility module. 2021-06-12 20:05:28 +02:00
Leon Styhre c4e542a7a4 Sorted the source files in the CMake configuration files. 2021-05-15 10:40:08 +02:00
Leon Styhre ef8b008d28 Added an experimental FFmpeg video player. 2021-05-09 22:52:26 +02:00
Leon Styhre 5b31c9dedc Updates to the CMakeLists.txt files. 2021-01-21 21:44:51 +01:00
Leon Styhre 29abe2dc8c Removed the deprecated PowerSaver. 2020-12-16 17:57:10 +01:00
Leon Styhre 53cacd5eac Renamed VideoPlayerComponent to VideoOmxComponent. 2020-11-12 17:40:06 +01:00
Leon Styhre d512c2b11d Implemented OpenGL GLSL shader support. 2020-08-30 22:19:37 +02:00
Leon Styhre 7f31c1bbb4 Added .dmg package generator setup for macOS.
Also cleaned up and updated the CMakeLists.txt files and moved the non-source files to a separate assets directory.
2020-08-19 22:30:10 +02:00