The 68K on the soundboard is rated at 12 MHz but runs at 11.2896 MHz, which is 256 cycles/sample with a 44100 Hz sample rate. Removed SoundClock and Freq as they are not needed
the volume correction to bring the data back into a valid range is not really needed in practice though, only Daytona2 seems to need it, and also only extremely rarely, so lets just live with a tiny bit of clamping for that game then
while add it, make some formatting similar to MAME, and add one comment regarding a most likely wrong recent MAME change
also fixes 3 bugs:
1) mpeg right channel volume was always using the left channel volume, too
2) too high MusicVolume setting was not clamped to 0..200
3) too high SoundVolume setting was not clamped to 0..200
- Ported MAME's implementation
- Corrected FM sound for songs in VF3 that use it
- Music tempo now closer to real hardware thanks to emulating two SCSP chips.
- Add LegacySoundDSP config option for games with SCSP DSP glitches (ex. engine noises in Sega Rally 2, and loud garbage on Bahn's stage in Fighting Vipers 2)
- Renamed SysFPS to "SoundClock" (since raising this appears to adjust the sound frequency).
(Submitted by Paul Prosser)
- Wrapped rows that exceed 80 columns in Supermodel.ini.
- Added some member and function comments to a few header files.
- Changed version string to 0.2a-RC2 in anticipation of sending another release candidate build to testers.
- Added GAME_INPUT_RALLY flag to dirtdvlsa, eca, and ecax.
- Configuration dialog no longer refers to Sega Rally 2 and Dirt Devils; instead, "Miscellaneous Driving Game Buttons"
- More additions to README.txt.
- Changed gear shifting behavior: neutral gear has its own button now.
- DirectInput is the default input system for Windows now.
- Multi-threading is on by default, replaced -multi-threaded w/ -no-threads.
- Made crosshairs larger and more visible.
- Added Nik to co-author list and began updating file copyright notices.
- Fixed Virtua Striker 2 input names (player 2 inputs end with the number 2 instead of 1).
- Added documentation to a Docs/ subdirectory.
- Exported all default input configurations to Supermodel.ini and added that to the repository. Internally, Supermodel initializes all controls to "NONE" now.
- Added volume controls to UI.
- Renamed "Sega Rally Controls" to "Sega Rally/Dirt Devils Controls" (even though Dirt Devils has no hand brake).
- Hooked up gear shifting and view change for Dirt Devils.
- Removed debug printf()'s from DSB.cpp.
- Removed debug printf() from Real3D.cpp.
- Disabled assertions in SCSPDSP.cpp.
- Converted all error messages in Amp library to Supermodel format.
- Fixed an MPEG related crash when loading save states. If usingLoopStart is 0, it is important not to call MPEG_SetLoop()!
- -input-system is working again.
- Changed the format of some messages here and there.
- Moved Logger.h to OSD/, cleaned up comments.
- Command line and config file parsing have been rewritten.
- Began replacing C standard library headers with C++ versions (eg. stdio.h -> cstdio). I think I got most of them, but not all.
- CSoundBoard is not derived from CBus.
- Optimized sound board memory handlers (now using switch statements).
- Added DSB emulation (based on R. Belmont's M1 source code).
- Improved ROM loading: only unique ROMs (those not shared amongst games) are used to identify games. The ROM loader will no longer get confused as easily.
- General cleanup here and there, removed unused Render.h file.
- Added a 68K interface, CPU/68K/M68K.*.
- Moved Turbo68K source files to CPU/68K/Turbo68K. It is no longer used but is being retained in the source tree for now. The LSR instruction has not been fixed in this update.
- Changed sound board code to use the new 68K interface (and hence, Musashi).
- Changed version string from 0.2-WIP to 0.2a-WIP. This is still an alpha version.
- Above changes have broken the 68K debugger.