CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR are now used to resolve the resource path. As of this commit, there are only two paths where resources are searched, under the user home directory and under this install prefix directory (which defaults to /usr/local/share/emulationstation/resources but can be set to for instance /opt/share/emulationstation/resources using the appropriate CMake flags).
The variable %ROMPATH% now expands to the ROMDirectory setting in es_settings.cfg which removes the need for absolute ROM paths (although absolute paths are still supported). Custom collections with absolute paths can still be loaded for backward compatibility with old custom collections.
* adds a new configuration option ("CollectionShowSystemInfo" = bool), in the 'Game Collections Settings' GUI. Defaults to previous behavior (true).
* reloads the Collection when the configuration is changed.
Adds the ability for users to change the following features in OMX Player's subtitles (game info for screen saver).
- font size
- font file path
- italic font file path
- subtitle position
These changes can be made in the GUI menus via the Video Screen Saver menu, or directly in the es_settings.cfg file.
Safe OMX Player defaults are hard-coded into the EmulationStation application.
Here's an example of the new keys loaded/saved into in the es_settings.cfg file:
- `<int name="SubtitleSize" value="38" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleFont" value="/usr/local/share/fonts/slkscr.ttf" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleItalicFont" value="/usr/local/share/fonts/slkscrb.ttf" />`
- `<string name="SubtitleAlignment" value="center" />`
On the first run it downloads a few resource files needed to intepret the otput of
game search api calls these resources go into ~/.emulatiostation/scrapers
The resource files include the list of developers and the list of publishers.
To update the lists simply delete the files and relaunch emulationstation.
Searching a game by id (GamesDB id) is done as before by manually edit the search
query and query for "id:<gameId>".
Starting up emulationstation takes me about 1 minute over the network
with a large collection of 27 systems with images.
This patch uses the loading screen to tell the user about the status
of the startup, with information how many systems are left for view
The most beefy part of the startup process is initializing the views,
and preloading images.
This patch extends the `renderLoadingScreen` function to take a string
and uses it in `ViewController::preload`.
v2: Add SplashScreenProgress option enabled by default.
If the Scraper configured in the settings is no longer available, don't crash when running the scraper.
For single game scrapes, we show an error for the user to change the configuration.
For batch scraping, silently choose the 1st scraper available in the list
Changed the selectable options for EmulationStation audio mixer
(called AudioDevice in EmulationStation) to be a greater range of
selectable options within Linux and RPi so that it is a lot more
flexible and will work with any aftermarket add-on audio cards and
RPi Audio HATs. Hopefully this gives people the flexibility that
they need in order to avoid the issues people have with unusual RPi
audio setups.
Added the ability to select the audio card as well, by surfacing
the audio card under the Audio Card setting. It was previously forced
to 'default' for all linux users, which was too restrictive in some
instances. This change now adds flexbility to support additional
Linux and RPi Audio Cards.
This option will only be available on Linux (and therefore RPi) as
Windows uses a different audio subsystem.
You now select which ALSA Audio Card you want EmulationStation to use
by choosing the relevant AUDIO CARD option. If your one is not listed
then you can add a custom one in the es_settings.cfg file (see below).
You then select which ALSA Audio Mixer Control from that Audio Card
that you want EmulationStation to use, by choosing the relevant
AUDIO DEVICE option. (I kept the name AUDIO DEVICE as that what
EmulationStation previously used to describe an Audio Mixer.)
If your mixer name is not listed then you can add a custom one in
the es_settings.cfg file (see below).
In addition I added the ability to manually change the setting in
es_settings.cfg to add anything custom that you want. This will give
advanced users enough extra power that should avoid even the most
strange setups.
Step 1:
To add a custom Audio Card, edit the "AudioCard" setting and replace
the value with the name of your Audio Card. You can find this out by
opening a terminal window and running 'aplay -L'. This will generate a
list of Audio Cards similar to the one below:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ aplay -L
Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
Default Audio Device
Default Audio Device
Direct sample mixing device
Direct sample snooping device
Direct hardware device without any conversions
Hardware device with all software conversions
Select any one of the Audio Cards listed by using the first word on
the line in your AudioCard settings in the es_settings.cfg, e.g.
<string name="AudioCard" value="default" />
NOTE: If the AudioCard value is not listed, please either close and
reopen EmulationStation (the settings is created upon close if it
doesn't exist), or add it manually to the es_settings.cfg file.
Step 2:
To add a custom Audio Device (mixer), edit the "AudioDevice" setting
and replace the value with the name of your Audio Device. You can get
a list off avilable Audio Devices on the Audio Card by opening a
terminal window and running 'amixer scontrols -D <AudioCard>', where
<AudioCard> is replaced with the name of your Audio Card that you
found in Step 1. This command will generate a list of Audio Devices
(mixers) that you can use in the AudioDevice setting in the
es_settings.cfg file, e.g.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ amixer scontrols -D default
Simple mixer control 'DSP Program',0
Simple mixer control 'Analogue',0
Simple mixer control 'Analogue Playback Boost',0
Simple mixer control 'Auto Mute',0
Simple mixer control 'Auto Mute Mono',0
Simple mixer control 'Auto Mute Time Left',0
Simple mixer control 'Auto Mute Time Right',0
Simple mixer control 'Clock Missing Period',0
Simple mixer control 'Deemphasis',0
Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
Simple mixer control 'Max Overclock DAC',0
Simple mixer control 'Max Overclock DSP',0
Simple mixer control 'Max Overclock PLL',0
Simple mixer control 'Volume Ramp Down Emergency Rate',0
Simple mixer control 'Volume Ramp Down Emergency Step',0
Simple mixer control 'Volume Ramp Down Rate',0
Simple mixer control 'Volume Ramp Down Step',0
Simple mixer control 'Volume Ramp Up Rate',0
Simple mixer control 'Volume Ramp Up Step',0
Select any one of the Simple mixer controls listed by using the
name within the quotes within the AudioDevice setting in your
es_settings.cfg file, e.g.
<string name="AudioDevice" value="Digital" />
Using the example above, the following two settings within the
es_settings.cfg file will use the 'default' Audio Card to play
sounds, and will use the 'Digital' mixer (Audio Device) to
control the volume.
<string name="AudioCard" value="default" />
<string name="AudioDevice" value="Digital" />
NOTE: Any custom manually used settings will be overwritten if you
select any of the other options in the GUI and exit the Sound
Settings window, as the Sound Settings GUI window overwrites the
es_settings.cfg options when you exit the window.
Fix latest package renames
fonts-droid is now fonts-droid-fallback
vlc-nox is now vlc-bin
Fixed up whitespacing to project tab standard
Had not paid enough attention and had accidentally provided
whitespacing in spaces rather than the project standard of
tabs. This change fixes some additional use of spaces to
ensure all the code in the two files now uses tabs.
Vero4k autodetection and volume mixer fix
- Add the GridTileComponent which hold the image and its background
- Add base theming syntax for the ImageGrid and GridTIle
- Numerous refactoring/cleaning in ImageGridComponent