Commit graph

84 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
XargonWan 1167c4be41
feat/update 3.1.0 ()
* Added initial text shaping support

* Fixed some font issues

* (Windows) Added initial text shaping support

* (macOS) Added initial text shaping support

* Disabled building of HarfBuzz-subset on Windows and macOS

* (Android) Added initial text shaping support

* Added the nl_NL locale to locale/languages

* Changed the font VRAM usage calculation to actually only include texture data

* Moved the HarfBuzz segment building to a separate function

Also implemented segment caching and fixed an issue where missing glyphs were not handled correctly

* Moved the text shaping to a separate function

* Fixed a text shaping issue when there was a font change for the last character of a string

* Added support for the pl_PL locale

* Changed two font calculation functions to use shaped text

Also consolidated the HarfBuzz segment creation and shaping into a single function

* Added a hack to make shaped text wrap somehow correctly

* Changed the text shaping function to return the segment vector

* Text shaping segments are no longer created by space characters

* RTL text segments are now flagged as such

* Fixed an issue where text was not correctly centered after line breaks

* Reverted some font changes that were not needed after all

* Changed to having HarfBuzz set the horizontal glyph advance

* Fixed another failure mode for the wrapText shaped text hack

* Added a precaution to prevent crashes in case of broken fonts being used

* Made accurate text layout work correctly using HarfBuzz

* Removed the offensive wrapText hacks and added some optimizations

Also changed the three dots to an actual ellipsis Unicode character when abbreviating text

* Reverted a change in TextComponent as it caused unforeseen issues

* Changed Font::shapeText() to pass the segments vector by reference

* Removed a temporary member variable in Font and replaced it with proper argument passing

* Fixed a regression where text shaping stopped working

* Added sharing of glyph atlas entries between shaped glyph entries that need the same texture

* Added support for the ar_EG locale

* Some font-related code and comments cleanup

* Fixed a source file header typo

* Documentation update

* Removed a lot of unnecessary text processing

* Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (Android) Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (macOS) Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (Windows) Added the ICU library as a dependency

* (Windows) Fixed an MSVC compiler warning

* Replaced all built-in Unicode case conversion logic and lookup tables with facilities from the ICU library

* Documentation update

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the pl_PL translations

* Removed support for NetBSD and OpenBSD

* Changed a code comment that referred to BSD Unix

* Documentation update

* Silenced some Clang compiler warnings

* Added experimental support for building on Haiku

* (Haiku) Added a ScreenScraper platform identifier

* (Haiku) Added support for the Sony PlayStation Portable (psp) game system

* (Haiku) Added support for the ScummVM Game Engine (scummvm) game system

* Documentation update

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Changed ScreenSaver to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed Window to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed ButtonComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed SliderComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Reverted ButtonComponent and SliderComponent to render the debug overlays themselves

* Changed DateTimeEditComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Minor code cleanup

* Changed TextEditComponent to use TextComponent instead of using Font facilities directly

* Changed Font::buildTextCache() and Font::renderTextCache() to protected functions

* Changed a compiler silencing option to only apply to Clang

* (Haiku) Updated CMake configuration to make ES-DE build on Haiku Nightly (but no longer on R1/beta4)

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added find rule configuration for RetroArch

Also added a single core for testing purposes

* Removed direct use of Font::wrapText() from OptionListComponent, TextEditComponent and TextListComponent

* Removed direct use of Font::wrapText() from TextComponent

* Fixed an issue where ComponentList could generate elements with negative widths

* Added an assertion to GuiComponent::setSize() to check for negative mSize values

* DateTimeEditComponent no longer renders the debug overlay unless there is a string to display

* (FreeBSD) Added support for building with DEINIT_ON_LAUNCH

* (FreeBSD) Added the man page to the CPack configuration

* (FreeBSD) Added support for rebooting and powering off from inside ES-DE

* (FreeBSD) Added fallback method to locate binary

* Added layout and line wrapping support for shaped text and for mixing of LTR and RTL scripts

* Fixed a special line wrapping scenario where a trailing space should be removed

* (Windows) Fixed some MSVC compiler warnings

* Fixed some Clang compiler warnings

* Fixed an issue where theme names in the theme downloader could get abbreviated

* Added support for the ca_AD locale

* Documentation update

* (Android) Fonts and locales are now copied earlier than the other assets as HarfBuzz and libintl need them earlier in the startup process

* Documentation update

* Added support for the de_DE locale

* (Android) Added a new default find rule entry for Flycast as its application ID has been changed

* Documentation update

* Fixed an issue where text shaping could be permanently disabled after editing text

* Fixed a potential issue where globally disabling text shaping could cause space detection to fail

* Added a check for whether a text element has a width defined when the container property is set

* (Android) Changed ePSXe to use %ROM% instead of %ROMSAF%

* (Haiku) Added support for the PDF viewer

* Updated the el_GR.po, es_ES.po, fr_FR.po, it_IT.po, ja_JP.po, ru_RU.po and zh_CN.po locale files

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added correct installation directories to the CMake configuration

* (Haiku) Changed to correct installation directories

* (Haiku) Added support for the correct system resource directories

* (Haiku) Made sure es-pdf-convert is found under all circumstances

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* Updated the es_ES translations

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the it_IT translations

* Updated the ja_JP translations

* Updated the zh_CN translations

* Fixed an issue where scraping using TheGamesDB would crash the application

* Added an extra check in OptionListComponent to avoid potential crashes

* Removed support for the ca_AD locale

* Added a code comment clarification in FileSystemUtil

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Some minor code modernization in MameNames

* Fixed an issue where returning from a game would sometimes make the helpsystem use the dimmed theme properties

* (Haiku) Added a resource file

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the de_DE translations

* (Haiku) Added support for some game systems

* (Haiku) Added a HaikuPorts recipe

* (Haiku) Fixed an URI issue in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Added configuration for a number of game systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Added basic configuration support and menu entries for theme localization

* Changed a theme loading debug message

* (linear-es-de) Fixed an issue where the system logo for saturnjp was incorrectly showing the western variant

* (modern-es-de) Fixed an issue where the system logo for saturnjp was incorrectly showing the western variant

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Added support for using language variables in the theme configuration

* Added localization support to DateTimeComponent

* Added translations for the automatic collection names when used as theme system variables

* Added localization support for the theme game counter

* Added theme contextual hinting to the custom collection summary text in CollectionSystemsManager

Also added translation support for a string that was previously missed

* Added localization support to the label entries in capabilities.xml

* Fixed a regression where horizontal text containers would sometimes not work correctly

* Fixed an issue where text elements defined as gamecount using the systemdata property could not scroll horizontally

* Added support for including theme files from within the colorScheme and fontSize tag pairs

* Added translations for the automatic collection names (short name versions) when used as theme system variables

* Fixed an incorrect code comment in CollectionSystemsManager

* Added translations for the name and fullname systemdata properties for the text element

* Added translation support for the metadata property for the text element

* Updated all locale (.po) files with the theme engine localization additions

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for en_US, en_GB and sv_SE

* Documentation update

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for fr_FR

* Updated the ja_JP translations

* Updated the zh_CN translations

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for en_US, en_GB, fr_FR and sv_SE

* Updated the es_ES translations

* Updated the ro_RO translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for es_ES

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for ro_RO

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for en_US, en_GB and sv_SE

* (linear-es-de) Updated the es_ES translations

* (modern-es-de) Updated the fr_FR translations

* (linear-es-de) Some minor translation changes

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for ro_RO

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for ro_RO

* Updated the it_IT translations

* Updated the pt_BR translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for it_IT

* (modern-es-de) Decreased the helpsystem entry spacing

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for es_ES and it_IT

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for es_ES, fr_FR and it_IT

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for pt_BR

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for pt_BR

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for pt_BR

* (Haiku) Added support for the c64, plus4 and vic20 systems

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Updated SDL to 2.30.6 on Android, Windows, macOS and the Linux AppImage builds

* Added an ICU filter configuration file

* (macOS) Reduced the ICU library size via a data filter file

* (Windows) Reduced the ICU library size via a data filter file

* Updated the ru_RU translations

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for ru_RU

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for ru_RU

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for ru_RU

* Added a menu title font size adjustment for the ru_RU translations

* Removed an unnecessary element resize in ScrollableContainer

* Fixed a line breaking issue

* Added theme engine translations for 'unknown' metadata values for developer, publisher, genre and players

* Added theme engine translations for 'never' and 'unknown' date values

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for ja_JP and zh_CN

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for ja_JP and zh_CN

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for ja_JP and zh_CN

* Updated all locales with new theme engine translations

* Fixed an issue where the text element defaultValue property no longer worked correctly

* (modern-es-de) Added some capitalized default metadata values

* Documentation update

* pdated the el_GR translations

* (linear-es-de) Updated the system metadata

* (linear-es-de) Added sv_SE translations for all system hardware types

* Updated the de_DE translations

* Updated the pl_PL translations

* Bundled the July 2024 release of the Mozilla TLS/SSL certificates

* Updated the MAME index files to include ROMs up to MAME version 0.269

* (linear-es-de) Added translations for pl_PL

* Added the VirtualXT RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the dos and pc systems

* Added the Stella 2023 RetroArch core as an alternative emulator for the atari2600 system

* Removed support for the ar_EG, de_DE, el_GR and nl_NL locales and moved their .po files to an archive directory

* Documentation update

* (modern-es-de) Added translations for pl_PL

* (slate-es-de) Added translations for pl_PL

* Updated SDL to 2.30.7 on Android, Windows, macOS and the Linux AppImage builds

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* Added support for the new Lime3DS binary names on Linux, macOS and Windows

* Added some missing find rules for Lime3DS

* (Windows) Added 'Shortcut' as an alternative emulator for the switch system

Also added the .lnk file extension

* Added jgenesis as an alternative emulator for the famicom, gamegear, gb, gbc, genesis, mastersystem, megacd, megacdjp, megadrive, megadrivejp, nes, segacd, sfc, snes and snesna systems on Linux and Windows

* Documentation update

* Added izapple2 standalone as an alternative emulator for the apple2 system on Linux and Windows

* (Android) Added support for the Microsoft Windows (windows) game system using the Winlator emulator

* (Android) Added Winlator PRoot Cmod standalone as an alternative emulator for the windows system

* Documentation update

* (Android) Added support for the PC Arcade Systems (pcarcade) and Taito Type X (type-x) game systems

* Bumped the version to 3.1.0

* (modern-es-de) Eliminated an annoying debug message

* (linear-es-de) Added some missing metadata files

* (linear-es-de) Added some missing sv_SE translations

* Updated the Winlator emulator names

* Documentation update

* Documentation update for the 3.1.0 release

* Updated latest_release.json for the 3.1.0 release

* Fixed a typo in the changelog

* Documentation update

* (Haiku) Updated the srcGitRev value in the HaikuPorts recipe

* Bumped the version to 3.1.1-alpha

* Video player resources are now completely freed up after finishing view transitions

* Changed a rounding in ScrollableContainer to slightly decrease the risk of glyphs getting cut off at the bottom of the container

* Added the Nanum Square Neo Korean font

* Added support for the ko_KR locale

* Fixed an issue where newly entered ScreenScraper username and password values were positioned incorrectly vertically in the account settings menu

* Documentation update

* Changed the position of the ko_KR language

* Changed the ja_JP position in the languages file

* Fixed an issue where attempting to view media for a game that had no downloaded media paused the playback of all static theme videos

* Documentation update

* Added support for the de_DE locale

* Updated the fr_FR translations

* Documentation update

* Updated the de_DE translations


Co-authored-by: Leon Styhre <>
2024-09-18 02:23:26 +02:00
Leon Styhre 933177dad1 Windows carriage return characters are now filtered out when reading custom collection files and inject files 2024-05-11 20:12:30 +02:00
Leon Styhre 5bf8aaf846 Fixed an issue where the custom collection editing popup did not show the correct button name if the controller type was a PlayStation variant
Also fixed an issue where the popup did not consider the button swap setting
2024-02-03 16:44:07 +01:00
Leon Styhre 116d73c62a Removed some std::filesystem code
Also fixed an issue with launching emulators not defined via find rules
2023-12-19 17:35:58 +01:00
Leon Styhre 56ccba81d1 Removed all instances of hardcoded application directory entries
Also changed some source file headers
2023-12-15 18:33:02 +01:00
Leon Styhre c0a2f9f557 Fixed an issue where repeatedly enabling and disabling auto collections could crash the application 2023-10-18 17:49:39 +02:00
Leon Styhre 481e2869ec Changed the concept of 'theme set' to simply 'theme' everywhere in the code 2023-08-14 22:40:32 +02:00
Leon Styhre cf065e8935 Reverted binary file openings in some cases where it causes Windows line breaks to not get converted to standard format 2023-08-10 23:13:55 +02:00
Leon Styhre de4bd7341f Changed a number of stream operations to open files in binary mode to always get proper Unix line breaks 2023-08-10 23:02:36 +02:00
Leon Styhre b975fce8ff Added a (very long) length restriction to custom collection names 2023-08-05 10:33:07 +02:00
Leon Styhre d0fc8cd56e Removed the es_log.txt entry when an es_systems.cfg legacy systems configuration file was found on startup 2023-07-30 12:27:27 +02:00
Leon Styhre 42e3be2e2d Fixed an issue where directories interpreted as files entries could not be removed from custom collections 2023-07-29 23:56:44 +02:00
Leon Styhre ccae4e74bc (Windows) Fixed an issue where having a value set for the ROMDirectory setting caused all custom collection files to contain absolute paths instead of relative paths 2023-07-29 23:53:01 +02:00
Leon Styhre 0aaa6f317f Fixed an issue where the custom collections were not properly cleared when reloading the application 2023-07-28 23:04:41 +02:00
Leon Styhre 8aeb6cc903 Added carriage return as an invalid custom collection name character 2023-07-28 22:19:33 +02:00
Leon Styhre cd37f14513 Added newlines and tabs as invalid custom collection name characters 2023-07-28 22:11:06 +02:00
Leon Styhre bbe23d4c42 Added support for using most characters in custom collection names
Also added log output when creating and deleting custom collections
2023-07-28 21:55:39 +02:00
Leon Styhre 24508baade Added support for cleaning out custom collections entries to GuiOrphanedDataCleanup 2023-07-27 12:11:17 +02:00
Leon Styhre d27dd211c3 Added a utility to the menu for rescanning the ROM directory
Also added a new Utilities menu to the main menu
2023-07-20 21:59:28 +02:00
Leon Styhre 677f0d600f (Windows) Converted forward slashes to backslashes for two CollectionSystemsManager log messages 2023-06-26 22:38:40 +02:00
Leon Styhre 6a67df894f (Windows) Converted forward slashes to backslashes for two log messages. 2023-02-27 20:29:37 +01:00
Leon Styhre 397ad15de6 Fixed an issue with collection gamelists getting loaded in the wrong order on startup. 2023-02-10 00:40:16 +01:00
Leon Styhre 45e1a79f9e Changed two collections-related log warning messages. 2023-02-07 18:05:11 +01:00
Leon Styhre fc282f559c The systems are now counted upfront for accurate progress bar positioning if there's a custom es_systems.xml file in use. 2023-01-23 23:38:25 +01:00
Leon Styhre 3bbc761c8f Added the ability to control the system name suffix from the theme configuration.
Also removed the corresponding 'Show system names in collections' menu option.
2023-01-14 14:05:24 +01:00
Leon Styhre 0329bd77c2 Added support for mixed case custom collection names as well as the option to always group custom collections.
Also reversed an optimization in CollectionSystemsManager which caused some issues.
2023-01-12 19:45:54 +01:00
Leon Styhre d6db705b93 Eliminated some unnecessary gamelist reloads. 2023-01-01 15:31:03 +01:00
Leon Styhre 171ee4ded2 Minor change to a debug message in CollectionSystemsManager. 2022-10-29 12:56:35 +02:00
Leon Styhre ca52a1d7c5 Fixed a couple of custom collection issues when changing the game counter metadata entry.
Also made some general code cleanup.
2022-09-25 13:03:39 +02:00
Leon Styhre 72ce3d33a8 Some code cleanup. 2022-04-09 16:32:47 +02:00
Leon Styhre 16955e5318 Fixed an issue where the theme sets were not always sorted correctly. 2022-04-09 15:57:37 +02:00
Leon Styhre cc8123f5a6 Added a GameSelectorComponent for displaying game media in SystemView. 2022-02-13 20:03:34 +01:00
Leon Styhre 0ca2b62edf Some minor code cleanup. 2022-01-29 18:16:30 +01:00
Leon Styhre dc20a9e21b Cleaned up ThemeData a bit. 2022-01-23 20:03:50 +01:00
Leon Styhre 51578903ff Replaced the legacy gamelist code with rudimentary support for GamelistBase and GamelistView. 2022-01-18 20:42:50 +01:00
Leon Styhre e6c36e88c5 Moved UIModeController.cpp from the es-app/views directory to es-app 2022-01-17 21:53:23 +01:00
Leon Styhre 0c8efee8ad General refactoring and code cleanup. 2022-01-16 18:18:28 +01:00
Leon Styhre 8a6652552f Set the clang-format option SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList to true. 2022-01-16 12:09:55 +01:00
Leon Styhre c7964b7ebc Renamed GameList to Gamelist throughout the codebase. 2022-01-15 13:38:09 +01:00
Leon Styhre cd2ef3d179 Fixed an issue where custom collections could get the wrong sort order after metadata changes. 2022-01-14 17:27:42 +01:00
Leon Styhre a233b96c2a Removed some unnecessary typedefs and replaced the remaining ones with the more modern 'using' keyword.
Also harmonized the names of some user defined types and made some other minor cleanup.
2022-01-11 21:57:00 +01:00
Leon Styhre f8e201d347 Moved the CollectionSystemsManager cleanup from the destructor to a deinit function. 2022-01-04 23:14:12 +01:00
Leon Styhre 119dfc90f8 Changed ViewController::get() to ViewController::getInstance() 2022-01-04 21:49:22 +01:00
Leon Styhre 254b00a3d8 Large refactoring to improve thread safety and improve singleton pattern usage. 2022-01-04 21:21:26 +01:00
Leon Styhre 595786601e Fixed a potential memory leak when enabling the 'All games' collection. 2021-12-27 16:05:58 +01:00
Leon Styhre dd0f36f82b Changed most increment and decrement operators from postfix to prefix for es-app. 2021-11-17 17:35:34 +01:00
Leon Styhre 4c6bfb8b78 Fixed a few issues reported by UBSan. 2021-11-16 22:03:34 +01:00
Leon Styhre 3e12fcb420 General refactoring and minor optimizations throughout the codebase. 2021-11-09 22:40:08 +01:00
Leon Styhre 93950cf4de Simplified the code for info popups. 2021-10-07 18:31:40 +02:00
Leon Styhre f8b9275b4b Fixed a missing filter index update when removing games from custom collections. 2021-09-26 11:14:52 +02:00